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高中英语必修4 unit1,高中英语必修4unit1单词人教版

bsmseo 发布于2024-09-04 13:43:43 高中英语 6 次

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于高中英语必修4 unit1的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍高中英语必修4 unit1的解答,让我们一起看看吧。

  1. 英语必修一unit4单词巧记?
  2. 高中英语必修一unit5单词?


Sure! Here are some mnemonic techniques to help you remember the vocabulary words from Unit 4 of English Compulsory 1:

高中英语必修4 unit1,高中英语必修4unit1单词人教版

1. Abandon: Imagine a band on stage suddenly le***ing their instruments behind.

2. Accommodate: Think of a cozy hotel room that can accommodate your needs.

高中英语必修4 unit1,高中英语必修4unit1单词人教版

3. Accumulate: Picture a pile of money accumulating over time.

4. Adapt: Imagine a chameleon changing its colors to adapt to its surroundings.

高中英语必修4 unit1,高中英语必修4unit1单词人教版

5. Adequate: Think of a cup that is filled to an adequate level.

6. Adolescent: Picture a ***ager wearing a "No Adults Allowed" sign.

7. Affection: Imagine a person hugging a big fluffy teddy bear with affection.

8. Aggressive: Think of a lion roaring aggressively in the wild.

9. Alert: Picture a person with their eyes wide open, being alert to their surroundings.

10. Ambition: Imagine a person climbing a mountain with a sign that says "Ambition" at the top.

Remember to practice these visualizations regularly to reinforce your memory of the words. Good luck!



2.native 本地人

3.attitude 态度;看法

4.reference 参考

5.refer 提到

6.system 系统

7.civilisation 文明;文明

8.despite 即使;尽管

9.factor 因素;要素

10.base 根据;基础

11.symbol 符号;象征

12.carve 雕刻

13.dialect 方言

14.means 方式;方法;途径

15.classic 名著

16.regard 尊重

17.calligraphy 书法

到此,以上就是小编对于高中英语必修4 unit1的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于高中英语必修4 unit1的2点解答对大家有用。

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